Responses to Michael Dahan's

The Janus Face of Israeli Democracy

© The Levantine Project, All Rights Reserved


           As much as Mr. Dahan may find a lack of true soul searching on the part of

           Israel to understand and hopefully sympathize with the Palestinians, I find

           the same lack on the part of the Palestinians to understand and sympathize

           with Israel.  In fact, I find that every criticism and accusation in this

           entire article could easily be turned around and pointed in the direction of

           the Palestinians as well.  For example, Mr. Dahan asks, "Why have no Israeli

           Jewish leaders spoken out and condemned acts committed by Jewish rioters

           against Palestinian Israelis throughout Israel proper (Nazareth, Tiberias,

           Acre, Jaffa, and Jerusalem)?".  Has he asked the question why have no

           Palestinian leaders spoken out and condemned acts committed by Palestinian

           rioters against Israelis?

           If Mr. Dahan sees a Janus face in Israeli democracy then I ask that he take

           an honest look at the not-so Janus face of Palestinian leadership.  I invite

           him and anyone else to read the following transcript from a Palestinian

           Authority broadcast, the parallel of which I could never find in my wildest

           fantasies from any Jewish or Israeli leader, secular or religious.

           Bruce Burger, Los Angeles


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